EmSculpt® can enlarge current muscles and grow new muscle fibers in the abdomen, buttocks, arms, and calves. Other devices offered by the manufacturers of EmSculpt®, such as the EmSculpt® NEO, EMTONE®, and EMFACE® combine radio frequency technology with HIFEM (high intensity electromagnetic field) to achieve various results.
PRICE RANGE: $2,500-$4,500 depending upon location and treatment area.
No downtime.

EmSculpt® Body Contouring at a Glance
EmSculpt® is the first treatment to non-invasively build muscle and sculpt the body.1 EmSculpt® uses a high intensity electromagnetic field (HIFEM) to stimulate supramaximal contractions in muscle tissue.These contractions represent the highest amount of tension that a muscle is able to exert and hold and is not achievable voluntarily. During a normal 30 minute emsculpting® session, the targeted muscles will complete on average 20,000 of these high tension contractions causing a chain reaction in the body to achieve the EmSculpt® results of greater muscle mass and reduced fat stores. The newest model EmSculpt® NEO includes radiofrequency heating to raise the temperature of subcutaneous fat to a level that causes their destruction. EmSculpt® NEO represents an impressive feat of engineering combining two non-invasive body contouring modalities, HIFEM and RF, that were previously incompatible, working in tandem. It is the only non-invasive body contouring currently on the market combining these forms of energy.2
What to Know About EmSculpt® Body Contouring
Currently, the newest model, EmSculpt® NEO is FDA-approved only for the body, with the most popular areas being the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The EmSculpt® NEO system has also achieved FDA clearance to treat darker skin types up to Fitzpatrick VI.3 For maximum EmSculpt® results, it’s best to be very hydrated the day before and the day of treatment to conduct the energy efficiently during the procedure and to aid in the elimination of destroyed fat cells from the body.
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EmSculpt® Body Contouring References
Peer-reviewed, substantiated scientific research is used to assess ingredients in this glossary. Regulations regarding usage constraints, permitted concentration levels and availability vary by country and region.
1 https://btlaesthetics.com/en/for-providers/emsculpt-providers
2 https://btlaesthetics.com/en/for-providers/emsculpt-providers
3 https://www.theaestheticguide.com/aesthetic-guide/emsculpt-neo-achieves-two-key-fda-clearances
4 https://journals.lww.com/annalsplasticsurgery/Fulltext/2023/02000/A_Systematic_Review_of_Electromagnetic_Treatments.14.aspx
5 https://www.realself.com/question/petaluma-ca-emsculpt-tighten-skin-cellulite
6 https://btlaesthetics.com/en/for-patients/emtone-patients
7 https://journals.lww.com/annalsplasticsurgery/Fulltext/2023/02000/A_Systematic_Review_of_Electromagnetic_Treatments.14.aspx
8 https://journals.lww.com/annalsplasticsurgery/Fulltext/2023/02000/A_Systematic_Review_of_Electromagnetic_Treatments.14.aspx
9 https://bodybybtl.com/solutions/emsculpt-neo/